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Privacy Policy




House of Slim PTY LTD, ABN 21 649 569 700, trading as House of Slim (“us”, “we” or “our”) of 5 Sea Eagle Court, Casuarina operates (the “site”). Information stipulated within this page informs you, the customer, of our policies and procedures with regards to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information on
All information sourced and collected by website visitors and House of Slim customers is used for the improvement of the website. By accessing, you, the customer or website viewer consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with House of Slim’s policy.
We treat the security of your personal information with care. House of Slim uses an HTTPS secure checkout to ensure, to the best of our knowledge and ability that your information is safe and secure. While we do our best to protect your personally identifiable information, we cannot guarantee it’s absolute security.
House of Slim PTY LTD uses “cookies” to recognise you, the customer or viewer, every time you view, and to track which pages you may visit whilst on our site. This assists us with improving your online experience. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to your computer for the sole purpose of record keeping. Cookies do not personally identify you, rather they identify your unique browsers signature. This helps us improve your online experience. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to your computer for record keeping purposes. If you do not wish us to track cookies, then you will need to amend your preferences of your browser – by turning these off.
Personally identifiable information includes but is not limited to your name, address, phone number, email and address. House of Slim PTY LTD will not sell, distribute or enable the use of this personally identifiable data to third parties or partners. By purchasing through the website or by inputting your email address into, via forms including creating a personal account, registering for a newsletter or inputting your information on the checkout cart, you, the customer or viewer consent to receive marketing emails from House of Slim.
House of Slim will only use your personal information to provide you with the product or service that you have requested from us via We will use the information provided to provide you details of your order and confirm transaction payments taken place during the order process. We may also use your personal information to assist you, as the customer, with product offerings and shopping recommendations to keep you, as the customer, informed of new product ranges, pricing and availability subject to House of Slim uses cookies, IP Addresses and other statistical information to improve and your shopping experience; by way of saved items in your cart and/or wishlists. We also use cookies to examine how you, the customer, uses and accesses our websites and services.
House of Slim will send marketing and personalised emails relating to your cart and the products you have viewed/and or purchased if you have provided us with your email address and consented to receive marketing communication from us. At any time, you, the viewer or customer, can choose to opt-out of email marketing communications. If you are experiencing troubles with unsubscribing, please email us at for assistance.
You consent to the terms that House of Slim may collect, disclose and use your personal information for all purposes reasonably necessary in the course of our business, – by way of providing services to you. You are entitled to request access to the personal information House of Slim PTY LTD holds, but simply emailing us on the below contact details.House of Slim PTY LTD:

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